Tip: For a downloadable pdf of these instructions, click here.
If you're having trouble logging in, we want to help.
Here are a few things you can try:
- Make sure you are entering your username on the login page, not your email address.
- Request a new password.
If you are having difficulty resetting your password, try resolving it by following these steps:
- Close all tabs that are open to the NWAPS website.
- Open a new tab, go to nwaps.org, and then click the "Member Login" button to go to the login page.
- On the login page, click the "Request new password" tab, enter your username or email address, and then click the "Email new password" button. The system will send you an email with a link to reset your password.
- When you get that email, click the link in the email to log you in to the website with a temporary password. This will take you to your membership profile to create a new password.
- On your profile page, enter your new password (note: you'll need to enter it twice) then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button to save your new password.
NOTE: You can only use this link once, because it logs you in with a temporary password and you have to change it to a permanent one.
If you still need help, send us a message.